LifeTree Community Church

Worship With Us

Sunday Service
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

What to Expect

We offer a friendly place to worship, grow in your faith and connect with neighbors. It’s a place where everyone is welcome in a come-as-you-are environment. The church body includes people from diverse backgrounds. Some are just beginning to learn who Jesus is and what it means to have a relationship with Him. Other members have had an abiding relationship with the Lord for decades.

The praise team performs a mix of contemporary Christian music and traditional hymns. The children’s ministry explores fun and creative ways to help students learn and grow.

We are family-friendly and provide opportunities for all ages including Sunday School and nursery.

Sermons come directly from the Bible. After each message, Pastor Jeff sits down in front of the congregation and invites comments and questions.

Listen to a previous sermon:
